Xi'an Excellent Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Excellent Bio-tech Co., Ltd..

  Neohesperidin Dehydrochalcone


Name : Neohesperidin Dehydrochalcone (NHDC)


Plant original: Citrus

Specifications:98% , 99%NHDC by HPLC

Molecular Formula: C 28 H 36 O 15

Molecular Mass: 612.58

CAS NO: 20702-77-6

Constitutional Formula:


Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone , sometimes abbreviated to neohesperidin DC or simply NHDC, is an artificial sweetener derived from citrus .

It is particularly effective in masking the bitter tastes of other compounds found in citrus, including limonin and naringin . Industrially, it is produced by extracting neohesperidin from the bitter orange , and then hydrogenating to make NHDC.

NHDC in pure form is found as a white substance not unlike powdered sugar .

A compound roughly 1500-1800 times sweeter than sugar at threshold concentrations; around 340 times sweeter than sugar weight-for-weight. Its potency is naturally affected by such factors as the application in which it is used, and the pH of the product.

Like other highly sweet glycosides , such as glycyrrhizin and those found in stevia , NHDC's sweet taste has a slower onset than sugar's and lingers in the mouth for some time.

Unlike aspartame , NHDC is stable to elevated temperatures and to acidic or basic conditions, and so can be used in applications that require a long shelf life. NHDC itself can stay foodsafe for up to five years when stored in optimal conditions.

The product is well known for having a strong synergistic effect when used in conjunction with other artificial sweeteners such as aspartame , saccharin , acesulfame potassium , and cyclamate , as well as sugar alcohols such as xylitol . NHDC usage boosts the effects of these sweeteners at lower concentrations than would otherwise be required; smaller amounts of other sweeteners are needed. This provides a cost benefit.

