Xi'an Excellent Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Excellent Bio-tech Co., Ltd..



Name : Hesperidin


【SYNONYMS】:Hesperidoside,Hesperitin-7-rutinoside,Cirantin, Hesperitin-7-rhamnoglucoside, Vitamin P

【SPEC.】:90% 95%


【PLANT SOURCE】:The dried immature fruit of Citrus sinensis which belong to rutaceae (small dried sweet orange)

【CAS NO.】:520-26-3



【CHARACTERISTIC】:Yellowish brown fine powder, melting point is 258-262℃,

【PHARMACOLOGY】: 1. Enhance the action of Vitamin C: relief the blood cell coagulation in conjunctiva of guinea pig due to lack of Vitamin C; it is also reported that it can reduce blood cell coagulation in horse. The life span of tats is prolonged when the product is fed with thrombogenic feed or feed that may cause atherosis. Can raise the Vitamin C concentration in adrenal gland, spleen and white blood cell in guinea pig.

2. All capability: when fibrocytes of mice are treated with the product in 200μg/ml solution, the cells can resist the attack from phlyctenular stomatitis virus for 24 hours. Hela cells treated with the product can resist the infection from flu virus. The antiviral activity of the product may be attenuated by hyaluronidase.
