Xi'an Excellent Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

Xi'an Excellent Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

  Siberian Ginseng Extract


Name: Siberian Ginseng Extract Powder


Latin Name:Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Maxim (Acanthopanax senticosus (Rupr. et
Maxim.) Harms)

Plant Part Used: Root

Assay: Eleutheroside B+E 0.8%, 1.5%, 2.0% by HPLC

Colour: Brown powder with characteristic odor and taste



-Anti-fatigue; Anti-inflammatory; Increasing body resistance against disease.

-Expel wind and dampness, strengthen the tendons.

-Nourish the heart and tranquilize the mind: For deficiency of heart manifested as insomnia, dreaminess and palpitation; and treat for sea-sickness, or adverse reaction at high attitude or under low temperature or deep water.

-Benefit vital energy: For spleen-deficiency with poor appetite, loose stools and fatigue. Recently, it also used for leukocytopenia, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, thromboangiitis obliterans, or as a subsidiary of anti-carcinogenic drugs or X-ray therapy for tumor.


-As the raw materials of drugs, it is mainly used in pharmaceutical field;

-Functional food as capsules or pills;

-Health products as capsules or pills.

